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Unlock Your Cybersecurity Potential: CompTIA SecurityX CAS-005 Mastery

Ready to elevate your cybersecurity career? Our cutting-edge CompTIA SecurityX CAS-005 practice questions are your secret weapon. Designed by industry experts, these materials go beyond mere memorization, honing your skills to tackle real-world threats. Whether you prefer PDF flexibility, web-based convenience, or feature-rich desktop software, we've got you covered. Don't let exam anxiety hold you back – join thousands of successful candidates who've aced the CAS-005 with our proven resources. From threat detection to incident response, master the skills that top employers crave. Time is ticking, and cybersecurity talents are in high demand. Invest in your future today and open doors to exciting roles in SOC analysis, penetration testing, and beyond. Your journey to CompTIA SecurityX certification success starts here – are you ready to take the leap?

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Question 1

A security administrator needs to automate alerting. The server generates structured log files that need to be parsed to determine whether an alarm has been triggered Given the following code function:

Which of the following is most likely the log input that the code will parse?





Correct : A

The code function provided in the question seems to be designed to parse JSON formatted logs to check for an alarm state. Option A is a JSON format that matches the structure likely expected by the code. The presence of the 'error_log' and 'InAlarmState' keys suggests that this is the correct input format.

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Question 2

An organization is implementing Zero Trust architecture A systems administrator must increase the effectiveness of the organization's context-aware access system. Which of the following is the best way to improve the effectiveness of the system?

Correct : D

Microsegmentation is a critical strategy within Zero Trust architecture that enhances context-aware access systems by dividing the network into smaller, isolated segments. This reduces the attack surface and limits lateral movement of attackers within the network. It ensures that even if one segment is compromised, the attacker cannot easily access other segments. This granular approach to network security is essential for enforcing strict access controls and monitoring within Zero Trust environments.

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Question 3

A company detects suspicious activity associated with external connections Security detection tools are unable to categorize this activity. Which of the following is the best solution to help the company overcome this challenge?

Correct : D

User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) is the best solution to help the company overcome challenges associated with suspicious activity that cannot be categorized by traditional detection tools. UEBA uses advanced analytics to establish baselines of normal behavior for users and entities within the network. It then identifies deviations from these baselines, which may indicate malicious activity. This approach is particularly effective for detecting unknown threats and sophisticated attacks that do not match known indicators of compromise (IoCs).

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Question 4


You are a security analyst tasked with interpreting an Nmap scan output from company's privileged network.

The company's hardening guidelines indicate the following:

There should be one primary server or service per device.

Only default ports should be used.

Non-secure protocols should be disabled.


Using the Nmap output, identify the devices on the network and their roles, and any open ports that should be closed.

For each device found by Nmap, add a device entry to the Devices Discovered list, with the following information:

The IP address of the device

The primary server or service of the device (Note that each IP should by associated with one service/port only)

The protocol(s) that should be disabled based on the hardening guidelines (Note that multiple ports may need to be closed to comply with the hardening guidelines)

If at any time you would like to bring back the initial state of the simulation, please click the Reset All button.

Correct : A SFTP Server Disable 8080 Email Server Disable 415 and 443 Web Server Disable 21, 80 UTM Appliance Disable 21

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Question 5


A product development team has submitted code snippets for review prior to release.


Analyze the code snippets, and then select one vulnerability, and one fix for each code snippet.

Code Snippet 1

Code Snippet 2

Vulnerability 1:

SQL injection

Cross-site request forgery

Server-side request forgery

Indirect object reference

Cross-site scripting

Fix 1:

Perform input sanitization of the userid field.

Perform output encoding of queryResponse,

Ensure usex:ia belongs to logged-in user.

Inspect URLS and disallow arbitrary requests.

Implement anti-forgery tokens.

Vulnerability 2

1) Denial of service

2) Command injection

3) SQL injection

4) Authorization bypass

5) Credentials passed via GET

Fix 2

A) Implement prepared statements and bind


B) Remove the serve_forever instruction.

C) Prevent the "authenticated" value from being overridden by a GET parameter.

D) HTTP POST should be used for sensitive parameters.

E) Perform input sanitization of the userid field.

Correct : A

Code Snippet 1

Vulnerability 1:SQL injection

SQL injection is a type of attack that exploits a vulnerability in the code that interacts with a database. An attacker can inject malicious SQL commands into the input fields, such as username or password, and execute them on the database server. This can result in data theft, data corruption, or unauthorized access.

Fix 1:Perform input sanitization of the userid field.

Input sanitization is a technique that prevents SQL injection by validating and filtering the user input values before passing them to the database. The input sanitization should remove any special characters, such as quotes, semicolons, or dashes, that can alter the intended SQL query. Alternatively, the input sanitization can use a whitelist of allowed values and reject any other values.

Code Snippet 2

Vulnerability 2:Cross-site request forgery

Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) is a type of attack that exploits a vulnerability in the code that handles web requests. An attacker can trick a user into sending a malicious web request to a server that performs an action on behalf of the user, such as changing their password, transferring funds, or deleting dat

a. This can result in unauthorized actions, data loss, or account compromise.

Fix 2:Implement anti-forgery tokens.

Anti-forgery tokens are techniques that prevent CSRF by adding a unique and secret value to each web request that is generated by the server and verified by the server before performing the action. The anti-forgery token should be different for each user and each session, and should not be predictable or reusable by an attacker. This way, only legitimate web requests from the user's browser can be accepted by the server.

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