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Unlock Salesforce Mastery: Configure and Administer a Salesforce CPQ Solution CPQ-301 Success Awaits

Ready to revolutionize your career in the Salesforce ecosystem? Our cutting-edge CPQ-301 practice questions are your secret weapon for conquering the Configure and Administer a Salesforce CPQ Solution exam. Designed by industry veterans, our materials go beyond mere memorization, immersing you in real-world scenarios that mirror the challenges faced by top CPQ specialists. Whether you prefer the portability of PDFs, the interactivity of web-based quizzes, or the robust features of our desktop software, we've got you covered. Don't let imposter syndrome hold you back – join thousands of successful candidates who've leveraged our resources to land coveted roles in sales operations and revenue optimization. With limited-time pricing and a 100% pass guarantee, there's never been a better moment to invest in your future. Elevate your Salesforce expertise and become the CPQ guru your organization needs – starting today!

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Question 1

Universal Containers has set up an Account lookup field, Distributor__c, on the Quote to identify different distributors per group. Distributor accounts have a Discount_Level__c field populated with the base discount percentage that products provided by that distributor will receive.

Which set of actions should the admin take to ensure that the distributor receives the appropriate Distributor Discount?



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Question 2

What is the calculated List Unit Price the user should see for Cloud Storage Support?

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Question 3

A Universal Containers User states that a Configuration Attribute value can be set up during the initial configuration, but the value is not present when they reconfigure. What should the Admin check to ensure the Configuration Attribute value is properly saved?

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Question 4

The Require Approved Quote package-level setting prevents CPQ from generating records for which object?

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Question 5

Universal Containers sells a total of 100 Products. There are 80 Products that are generally available for selection by all users (General Access). The remaining 20 Products should only be available to a certain group of users (Special Access).

Which Product Selection and Price Book strategy should the admin utilize to meet the requirements?

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