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Unlock Your Salesforce Potential: Master Salesforce Certified OmniStudio Consultant OmniStudio-Consultant Exam

Ready to revolutionize your career in the Salesforce ecosystem? Our cutting-edge Salesforce Certified OmniStudio Consultant practice questions are your secret weapon for acing the OmniStudio-Consultant exam. Crafted by industry experts, these materials go beyond mere memorization, immersing you in real-world scenarios that sharpen your problem-solving skills. Whether you prefer the portability of PDFs, the interactivity of web-based quizzes, or the robust features of desktop software, we've got you covered. Don't let imposter syndrome hold you back – join thousands of successful candidates who've leveraged our resources to land coveted roles in Salesforce consulting and development. With the clock ticking and limited spots available for the next exam window, there's no time to waste. Invest in your future today and unlock a world of opportunities in cloud computing, CRM, and digital transformation.

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Question 1

A business needs a 360 view of their accounts, including a FlexCard to display all of the products sold to the account. The business identified 20 different data elements and 10 actions that users would need when viewing the product information. Once all of the elements were collected together on the FlexCard, it looked cluttered.

What FlexCard feature should the consultant recommend to address this issue?

Correct : D

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Question 2

A consultant needs to design an OmniScript to capture the following information:

* Select one payment method from a list of options

* Enter the address information with autocomplete

* Enter a phone number

Which OmniScript elements should be used to capture this information?

Correct : A

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Question 3

A business implements a simple OmniScript in their call center that allows agents to quickly create a case when on the phone with customers. The OmniScript has been running successfully in the call center for over a year. The business decides it wants to allow partners to create cases directly from their Community portal.

What is the most efficient solution that the consultant can propose to meet this new requirement?

Correct : B

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Question 4

In an Integration Procedure, what group element will control whether an individual action executes?

Correct : A

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Question 5

Which of the following is a key difference between Integration Procedures and DataRaptors?

Correct : C

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